Original Character Puppets

All puppets are one of a kind and crafted by hand. The heads are molded from clay and fired some are glazed others are painted with acrylic paints. They will bring a smile to your face and brighten up your day.

My Photo
Location: Cullowhee, North Carolina, United States

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Baritonea, mixed media, 15" x 3".
$86 + $15 shipping and handling to U.S.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Dinah, mixed media, 14" x 3".
$65 + $15 shipping and handling to U.S.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Dad, mixed media, NFS
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Ribbet, mixed media, 14" x 2.5".
$75 + $15 shipping and handling to U.S.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Boomer Bill, SOLD
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Flame, mixed media, 20" x 4.5"
$78 + $15 shipping and handling.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Alice, mixed media, 20" x 5".
$86 + $15 shipping and handling to U.S.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Oloof, SOLD
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Nosey, SOLD
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Queenie, mixed media, 20" x 4".
$75 + $15 shipping and handling to U.S.
copyright Kjelsty Hanson

Jester, SOLD
copyright Kjelsty Hanson